ProColombia: Colombia is committed to environmentally sustainable and socially responsible tourism
MADRID, Nov. 4, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Sustainability in tourism is no longer a trend; it has become a requirement. Sustainability is part of this sector's road map in Colombia, which is represented by a delegation of about 20 companies at WTM—the United Kingdom's leading tourism fair. These enterprises specialize in tourism that respects and protects nature and local communities, while establishing standards for contemplating, comprehending, and conserving biodiversity, as well as ideals for co-creating, connecting with, and preserving Colombia's ancestry and cultural expressions. The delegation is led by ProColombia—the government agency that promotes tourism internationally—and the Colombian Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Tourism. Nature and adventure tourism are two booming sectors for the UK market.
Visiting Colombia is like traveling to six countries in one, since travelers can visit the six different tourism regions the country has to offer: Greater Colombian Caribbean, Colombian Eastern Andes, Colombian Western Andes, Colombian Massif, Colombian Pacific, and Amazon – Orinoquía.
After many years of invisibility, it is now time for the different regions to shine. They take center stage in the landscapes of a country made up of large regions that transcend physical spaces to become, above all, symbolic references, ways of relating to each other, a network of beliefs, and places that build identity and a culture of peace.
The strategy of having six tourism regions has also made it possible to highlight emerging regions that have been transformed by peace into very attractive destinations for travelers.
Due to this immense biodiversity, the country has published the first Manual of Endemic Butterflies of Colombia, a scientific publication produced by the Natural History Museum of London, with the support of ProColombia. This is the first publication that compiles detailed information on the more than 200 species of endemic butterflies of Colombia, which represent 20% of the world's butterfly species. During the fair, Blanca Huertas will be appointed as Colombia Country Brand Ambassador. Huertas is a Colombian researcher at the Natural History Museum in London and director of the scientific team that has been working on the project since 2018.
Additionally, the agency has recently promoted two other manuals:
Contemplation, Comprehension, Conservation: An Illustrated Handbook for Nature Tourism Guides in Colombia
Regarding community-based tourism, the first version of the Meaningful Travel Map has already been created.

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