Frost & Sullivan to Speak at the Smart Community Japan 2015
TOKYO, June 17, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- Frost & Sullivan will be speaking at "Smart Community Japan 2015" in Tokyo on June 18th.
Organized by Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun, "Smart Community Japan 2015" is a major comprehensive exhibition of new community design with next-generation energies. In addition to energy networks created by the spread of renewable energies based on smart grid technology, Smart Community Japan proposes new technologies and solutions for construction of social infrastructure. This exhibition is focusing on houses, building, factories, stores and all kinds of products or technologies relating to the smart community.
Frost & Sullivan will speak at two sessions in the areas of new alternative energy as well as environmentally-responsive vehicles. Ravi Krishnaswamy, Vice President of Energy & Environment, Frost & Sullivan, will provide insights on global and regional alternative energy trends as well as emerging business model on microgrids and virtual power plants. He will be sharing his views on correlation between microggrids and virtual power plants, impact on utilities as well as the future outlook.
Takashi Morimoto, Senior Consultant of Automotive & Transportation, Frost & Sullivan Japan, will provide global trends on environmentally-responsive vehicles. He will explain about an overview of the global powertrain market, mega trends and industry convergence implications as well as a future outlook of alternative powertrains.
Frost & Sullivan's speaking sessions will be held as following schedule:
- Session Title: Trends Impacting Global Microgrids and Virtual Power Plants
Speaker: Ravi Krishnaswamy, Vice President, Energy & Environment, Frost & Sullivan
Date: June 18th (Thu)
Time: 13:00 - 13:45
Venue: Tokyo Big Sight East Hall
- Session Title: Environmentally-responsive Vehicles: Powertrain Global Trends
Speaker: Takashi Morimoto, Senior Consultant, Automotive & Transportation, Frost & Sullivan Japan
Date: June 18th (Thu)
Time: 13:50 - 14:45
Venue: Tokyo Big Sight East Hall
The exhibition will be held during June 17 (Wed) - 19 (Fri), 2015 at Tokyo Big Sight East Hall (3-11-1 Ariake, Koto-ku, Tokyo, Japan 135-0063).
To find out more information and to register for this event, please visit the website:
Smart Community Japan 2015:
About Frost & Sullivan
Frost & Sullivan, the Growth Partnership Company, works in collaboration with clients to leverage visionary innovation that addresses the global challenges and related growth opportunities that will make or break today's market participants.
Our "Growth Partnership" supports clients by addressing these opportunities and incorporating two key elements driving visionary innovation: The Integrated Value Proposition and The Partnership Infrastructure.
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- The Partnership Infrastructure is entirely unique as it constructs the foundation upon which visionary innovation becomes possible. This includes our 360 degree research, comprehensive industry coverage, career best practices as well as our global footprint of more than 40 offices.
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Anna Tsuji
Frost & Sullivan Japan K.K.
Marketing Communications – Japan
Tel: +81-(0)3-4550-2215
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