New Start-Up Cures Fear of Flying On-Line and Almost Free of Charge
JERUSALEM, June 4, 2015 /PRNewswire/ --
TakeOff Project - from fear of flying to freedom to fly
New Start-Up cures fear of flying on-line and almost free of charge!
According to statistics, 30% of people suffer from a fear of flying. This flight phobia can have a debilitating effect on their freedom, and devastate careers and relationships. Despite these consequences, today only 0.5% of those affected seek professional help, although this affliction is curable in 98% of cases.
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To offer an accessible and effective solution, the TakeOff Project offers an online, fully interactive course created by commercial pilot, psychologist and fear of flying treatment specialist Alex Gervash. The course is based on 30 years of fear of flying clinical studies and aims to conquer flight phobia in as few as 30 sessions.
The first ten sessions, suitable for simpler cases of fear of flying, are available free-of-charge. The second ten are recommended for mild cases, at cost comparable to that of a Xanax pack. The third ten sessions are dedicated to the most complicated cases and involve the personal assistance of therapists both on- and off-line.
Each session is comprised of a main topic, video, summary, self-testing and homework. With consistent and dedicated engagement, the TakeOff Project can help fearful fliers stop suffering and start enjoying flights.
"The main idea of this web service is to overcome avoidance behavior, with which fearful travelers are so familiar," says Alex Gervash, TakeOff Project founder. "With the TakeOff Project the entrance to fear of flying therapy is very comfortable and easy, without expenses or obligations, thus allowing millions of fearful fliers to achieve a better life."
Alex Gervash
mob .: +7 (916) 788-88-17
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