Learn more about the current macroeconomic scenario and Bradesco's results!
SAO PAULO, Aug. 28, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- Today watch our Sao Paulo APIMEC Meeting online live at 2:25 p.m. and get informed with lectures on macroeconomics, information technology, and the results and strategies of Banco Bradesco (BM&FBovespa: BBDC3; BBDC4), (NYSE: BBD; BBDO) and Bradesco Seguros e Previdencia.
-Bradesco Strategies and Prospects - Luiz Carlos Trabuco Cappi (CEO)
-Bradesco Seguros e Previdencia Group - Marco Antonio Rossi (CEO of Bradesco Seguros e Previdencia and Executive Vice-President of Banco Bradesco)
-Bradesco Presentation - Luiz Carlos Angelotti (Executive Managing Director and Investor Relations Officer)
-Current Macroeconomic scenario - Octavio de Barros (Chief Economist)
You'll have the chance to send your questions, which will be answered live by our speakers!
Visit www.bradescori.com.br/apm12.
Mrs. Ivani Benazzi de Andrade
Phone: +55-11-2178-6218
e-mail: 4823.ivani@bradesco.com.br
or Mr. Carlos Tsuyoshi Yamashita
Phone: +55-11-2178-6204
e-mail: 4823.carlos@bradesco.com.br
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