ISTANBUL, June 18, 2015 /PRNewswire/ --
Pegasus Airlines, one of Turkey's leading airlines, has produced a new flight safety video featuring iconic Marvel characters, in partnership with Disney Turkey, with the message 'Even if you're a superhero, flight safety rules are important for you'
Pegasus Airlines makes its mark in the aviation sector again with a new video explaining flight safety rules. Marvel's best-known characters appealing to all ages, including Thor, Black Widow, Captain America, Iron Man, Loki, Hawkeye and Odin, feature as flight safety rules are explained in an entertaining and fun way. The overriding message of the safety demo video is: 'Even if you're a superhero, flight safety rules are important for you'.
To view the Multimedia News Release, please click:
Pegasus' new safety video is conveyed through the eyes of a child who sees a number of other guests on board as Marvel characters as the rules of flight safety are explained through his imagined interactions with them. Each hero using their superpowers to display the rules as well as showing guests what to do in the event of an emergency.
"Our aim is to put flight safety rules across to our guests in a striking way"
Pegasus' CCO Guliz Ozturk says of the safety video: "We are working on encouraging our guests to listen with interest to flight safety rules via our videos that have been made using different concepts. We wanted to explain the rules with our new safety videos to our guests in a way that was different, striking and entertaining. Thus we decided to use the Marvel characters that are known and loved around the world as superheroes that appeal to guests of all ages and from all parts of the globe."
Pegasus is sector leader for creative safety videos
Pegasus has produced two safety videos to date. The first features the children of Pegasus Family Members in a creative and inspiring video with an unusual concept, in which flight safety rules are explained for flights within Turkey. Continuing to put its name to creative works, Pegasus produced a second video in which cabin crew convey flight safety rules entertainingly while accompanied by music and dancing figures.
Guests can watch Pegasus Airlines' video here: and meet the heroes here:
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