- The Council will advise EY professionals on how to navigate and lead on artificial intelligence advancements, emerging issues and adoption
- Advisors from business, government and academia will also counsel on various domains, such as customer, talent, human behavior and industry impact
LONDON, Oct. 31, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The EY organization announces today the establishment of the EY.ai Global AI Advisory Council (the Council) to provide the latest insights and guidance necessary to stay at the forefront of rapidly evolving artificial intelligence (AI) technologies.
The Council will serve as a critical resource, assisting the global EY organization in navigating the increasingly complex landscape of AI. It will help to foster innovation, strengthen the EY AI ecosystem and responsibly address the societal impact of AI deployment with foresight and agility.
Supporting EY.ai, the unifying AI platform that launched in September 2023, the Global AI Advisory Council will act as a sounding board for the organization as it manages the extensive scale of AI deployments and constant rate of the technology's advancement. Acknowledging the need for broad and diverse collaboration when deploying a technology as impactful as AI, the Council will focus its guidance and input across three domains:
- Directing AI development and deployment within the EY organization and its affiliated entities across the globe by sharing insights on how the technology is developing, including breakthroughs and emerging risks.
- Helping EY professionals serve their clients' transformations and how they deploy AI in their organizations, as well as assessing the EY organization on broader AI powered industry transformation and verticalization.
- Working to address global challenges through innovative uses of AI, including climate change, health and wellness, education, the digital divide, or access to tools by marginalized groups and societies, etc., while also working to mitigate risks to people and society.
Raj Sharma, EY Global Managing Partner of Growth and Innovation, and EY.ai Global AI Advisory Council Chair, says:
"The astonishing pace of change being driven by AI demands that organizations proactively collaborate with a wide variety of AI leaders to stay ahead of the curve and shape their future with confidence. The EY organization is no different – being guided by focused knowledge from different backgrounds is essential for leading-edge innovation and helping clients manage ethical and security risks, regulatory compliance and responsible leading practices."
Along with Sharma, Gil Forer, Digital and Business Disruption Leader for the EY organization, will lead the Council, which will comprise a globally diverse set of industry and civil society leaders, including AI-focused researchers, entrepreneurs, academics, ethicists and policy professionals. Each Council member will possess extensive knowledge and insights around the technical, business, ethical, societal and regulatory implications of AI. Together, Council members will provide insights into AI trends and their human implications, guiding governments and organizations on structuring and restructuring their models.
In addition to EY leaders Sharma and Forer, inaugural members of the EY.ai Global AI Advisory Council include:
- Rotem Alaluf, Founder and CEO, Wand AI
- Maurice Conti, AI Futurist, Founder and CEO, Applied Intelligence
- David De Cremer, Dunton Family Dean of D'Amore-McKim School of Business, Northeastern University, and founder of the Centre on AI Technology for Humankind (AiTH) at the National University of Singapore
- Daniel Dines, Founder and CEO, UiPath
- Nathanael Fast, Associate Professor of Management & Organization and Director of the Neely Center for Ethical Leadership and Decision Making at the USC Marshall School of Business
- Stephanie Ifayemi, Head of Policy, Partnership on AI
- Kate Kallot, Founder and CEO, Amini
- Clara Neppel, Senior Director, European Business Operations, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
- Sunita Sarawagi, Computer Science professor and Founding Head, Center for Machine Intelligence and Data Science (CMInDS), IIT Bombay
- Shannon Vallor, Professor of Ethics of Data and AI, University of Edinburgh
- Ashish Vaswani, CEO and Co-founder, Essential AI
For more information, visit: EY.ai.
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