Dahava Petroleos - Major New Project Advisors
ASUNCIÓN, Paraguay, October 2, 2012 /PRNewswire/ --
Dahava Petroleos (SAECA, In process of formation) is pleased to announce that, under the leadership of BrasilInvest's Chairman Mario Garnero, Dahava Petroleos's Investment advisors, it has added two companies to its project management team to ensure maximum support to the execution of its plans to develop oil and gas production in the Chaco region of Paraguay.
The two companies are as follows:
BrasilInvest Oil, Gas and Biofuel. BrasilInvest, under the guidance of Mario Garnero, President of the Brasilinvest group, has created an oil, gas and biofuel division (http://brasilinvest.com.br) under the control of its CEO Paolo Roberto Costa, a former director Of PetroBras, whom has been working in the oil & gas sector, specializing in exploration and oroduction matters since 1979. BrasilInvest has also enrolled in this division Nelson Narciso Filho, who is the Director of the Brazilian Regulatory Agency for Oil, Natural Gas and Biofuels Industry (ANP - Agência Nacional do Petroleos, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis).
Georadar (http://www.georadar.com.br) an internationally known Oil & Gas concern with significant success in oil and gas discoveries, has been chosen for its expertise in the seismic studies area and the environmental issues related to oil & gas projects.
Georadar backed by Andrade Gutierrez (http://www.andradegutierrez.com.br) is a major International infrastructure company with its own oil and gas expertise, this guaranties that all construction of pipelines, refineries and related issues as well as drilling activities will be conducted in the way to ensure maximum results for expeditious production.
This effort has been done by Dahava Petroleos in order to guarantee the execution of the production plan and the further exploration on its entire portfolio of the first ever oil & gas "production" project taking place in Paraguay. These companies will be working fulltime on the Dahava project and managing every aspect of the drilling, seismic, and production.
Dahava Petroleos Intl. CEO, Jacopo Sertoli stated. "This array of top professionals in the oil & gas industry will ensure our investors that we are serious in maximizing the return for the company. Dahava management is extremely confident that thanks to this team it will maximize the potential for the successful outcome of the oil & gas project in Paraguay and to achieve the targets set, that is of great importance for the investors and future public shareholders."
Dahava Petroleos SAECA (in process of formation), a Paraguayan company, has acquired Aurora Petroleos SA, Boreal Petroleos SA and CDS Energy SA, to became the partner of the Government of Paraguay to carry out the development of oil and gas project, as a concessionaire in more than 6 million hectares in north-western Paraguay. Dahava Petroleos will be the first company in which Paraguay will achieve total energy independence in a short period.
Jacopo Sertoli, Dahava international CEO, +8618602196923
Francisco Sanchez Rodas, Dahava Petroleos President, +595-21661952
Graham Ross Andrews, +44(0)7903-375-021, Dahava International Director
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