POZNAN, Poland, August 21, 2018 /PRNewswire/ --
Valuto.com, an international brand of Walutomat.pl, shares its know-how for automatic integration with other systems. This well-known platform starts its open API for companies that are interested in currency exchange, or automatisation of settlements on the basis of local and foreign transfers.
Open API allows to integrate the company's individual system with Valuto, which will make the process of currency exchange and transfer more efficient. API allows for automatic handling of even 20 currencies with real exchange rate, free transfers for most banks in Poland and international SWIFT and SEPA transfers.
"This is an excellent solution for companies that wish to extend their services for clients, partners and automatise their payment processes using ready-made, reliable solutions by our company," says Piotr Kurczewski, CEO of Currency One SA, operator of Valuto. " This API has been functioning, e.g. in Przelewy24 and we are very happy both with its functioning mechanism and with the possibilities it gives."
Open API allows to combine accounting, storage, production management and supply chain systems with the payment functions for the contractors basing on currency exchange and currency transfers. What is important, technical and functional integration may be adjusted to individual needs of partners.
"It is worth mentioning that our API is secured by a security key independent from login and password, and transaction order requires additional cryptographic signature. This guarantees the security of our API," says Artur Maliszewski, CIO of Currency One.
Walutomat.pl (Valuto) is the longest-functioning currency exchange platform in Poland. Its services are used by more than 270 thousand of registered users. Currency One, service operator, is a National Payment Institution, acting under a licence of Polish Financial Supervision Commission.
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