DUBAI, June 7, 2015 /PRNewswire/ --
Camali Clinic - Child and Adolescent mental health service in Dubai Health Care City is launching their day programme - Bounce Back today with an Open Day at its premises in Dubai Healthcare City. Bounce back is a day programme that provides mental health treatment alongside study support to young people between 12 and 18 years of age who are experiencing emotional, psychological, and/or behavioural problems that have a significant impact on their daily functioning and school attendance.
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Bounce Back is initiative of Camali Clinic's Developmental Training Centre that provides intensive treatment and support for children and young people between the ages of 5 and 18 in a variety of groups and day programme.
''We recognize that education and learning are a critical aspect of young people's development and mental health," said Dr Nadia Dabbagh, Co-founder and Medical Advisor at Camali Clinic. "We created the clinic to focus all clinicians' energies on the child and develop a team of patient-centric caregivers. We've developed a range of programme and workshops for young people and their parents at our Developmental Training Centre that complement therapies and care plans."
The "Bounce Back" group programme is divided into therapeutic sessions. It covers expressive psychotherapy, social skills, and study skills. The Bounce Back team has Counsellors, Nurses, an Occupational Therapist, Speech and Language Therapist, Health Promotion Worker and a Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist.
Dr Fareeha Amber Sadiq, the Lead Consultant Psychiatrist for children and adolescents at the Camali Clinic said: "Together they create a team characterized by consistency and sensitivity to everyone's needs and differences. We work with the young person in creating a care plan that meets their individual needs and helps them to achieve the agreed goals. ''
Bounce Back encourages the young person to continue with their education, although the programme does not follow curriculum based teaching. Katie Laing, a Maudsley trained mental health clinician from UK currently working with Camali Clinic has identified the need within Dubai for intensive therapeutic day programme to facilitate recovery and reintegration back to schools. Katie Liang developed the bounce back programme based on internationally recognised evidence based practices with aim to reduce mental health symptoms and achieve functional gain in studies and life skills.
The programme will begin on June 7th and run throughout summer. Sessions will take place three times each week over four weeks. Every young person will have an initial consultation with an experienced clinician, a session with the consultant psychiatrist, followed by individual therapy.
About Camali Clinic:
Camali Clinic is a consultant led child and adolescent mental health service (CAMHS) for young people between 0 and 18 years of age who are suffering from emotional, behavioural or learning difficulties. The clinic is the only consultant-led service in Dubai that works within a truly integrative multidisciplinary framework so as to ensure a comprehensive treatment approach to child and adolescent mental health care.
About the Developmental Training Centre:
Camali Clinic recognises that education and learning are a critical aspect of young people's development and mental health. The Developmental Training Centre provides intensive treatment and support for patients between the ages of 5 and 18. The children and young people attending this programme may be experiencing mental health difficulties significant enough to result in prolonged absences from school and will benefit from a holistic approach to help improve their mental health.
The comprehensive programme offers an environment that individualizes the needs of each young person utilizing the benefits of individual treatment, group therapy and educational assistance and support. Groups conducted include process group therapy, social skills and goal setting. Topics covered include psychoeducation, relapse prevention, self-esteem, managing emotions, communication skills, relaxation, problem solving and relationship building. Specific skills can be developed such as handwriting, IT, study and reading skills. Young people will be encouraged to continue with their educational studies so as to be able to manage the transition back into mainstream education Patients will also benefits from the therapeutic milieu that the day provision creates.
Press Contacts:
Sartaj Beary
Director - Marketing & Operations
Mobile: +971-56-1663669
Tel: +971-4-276-6064
Katie Laing
Clinical Manager & Developmental Training centre Lead
Tel: +971-4-276-6064
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