"Building for the Future Ensures a Future": Lightweight Engineering Ensures Competitive Advantage
DRESDEN, Germany, June 18, 2015 /PRNewswire/ --
- Germany's lightweight engineering capital is the host of the International Engineering Symposium for the 19th time - on 18 and 19 June 2015 in the German Hygiene Museum Dresden
- The international industry gathering of lightweight engineering players is a forum for trend-setting research and development activities
- The main topic is 'networking' in all its facets, from networked thinking to national networking of science and economy to the networked high technology of the future - such as with partner country Poland
The 19th International Dresden Lightweight Engineering Symposium is taking place today and tomorrow at the German Hygiene Museum. It serves as a discussion platform for an industry and product-wide international knowledge and experience transfer between science and economy. The expert conference is under the scientific leadership of Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Werner Hufenbach, senior professor and member of the board of the Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology (ILK) at Technische Universität Dresden.
Dresden is the material and lightweight engineering capital
The Lightweight Engineering Symposium, taking place for the 19th time this year, is set up as part of the DRESDEN-concept (Dresden Research and Education Synergies for the Development of Excellence and Novelty). It is an expression of the special networking of strong partners from science and culture with the goal of making the excellence of Dresden research internationally visible. It is not for nothing that Dresden is described as the German capital of material and lightweight engineering research. Dresden is one of the global pioneers in the development of new materials. Around 2,000 material specialists work in the research and development centres. At the same time, Dresden has the largest lightweight engineering cluster in Germany.
Full version here (in English): http://datas.weichertmehner.com/leightweightsymposium.pdf
Should you have any questions, the following contacts are available:
Agentur WeichertMehner, Ulf Mehner, Robert Weichert, tel.: +49(3-51)50-14-02-00, dmg@weichertmehner.com
Landeshauptstadt Dresden, Kai Schulz, Press Officer, tel.: +49(3-51)4-88-23-90, presse@dresden.de
Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology (ILK) at TU Dresden, Dr. Thomas Heber, tel.: +49(3-51)46-33-85-94, thomas.heber@tu-dresden.de
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