AXA Insurance, Thomson Reuters and Brewin Dolphin to Debate Culture Change with Warwick and Henley Business Schools at The 2015 Behavioural Finance Forum
LONDON, June 2, 2015 /PRNewswire/ --
Top talent needs to embrace new ethical and behavioural skills if the UK's reputation as a world-class financial centre is to survive, say leaders in financial services.
Senior directors from Thomson Reuters, AXA Insurance and Brewin Dolphin are joining professors from Warwick and Henley business schools, and The Financial Times, to discuss the need for an urgent change in culture of the UK financial services industry.
The Behavioural Finance Forum is hosting the debate on 3rd June 2015 on Level 40 of The Gherkin.
The Dean of Warwick Business School, Professor Mark Taylor, comments:
"To explain the roots of the financial crisis you have to look across academic silos to study the psychology of trading, the emotions of traders, the sociology of markets and herding behaviour, and what makes people tick. It is in studying behaviour that we find explanations. It is important to get people to have a sense of duty, a sense of honour when they are managing other people's money."
Post financial crash, it has been argued that a talented workforce must embrace ethical behaviour and develop the appropriate people skills for both customer care and responsible money management.
The FCA has commented that large fines are now having an impact but improving culture will take time.
The 3 June Forum will focus on: why recruitment models need to change, the role of technology in culture change and the drive to transform customer relationships.
The panel contributors will include: Professor Mark Taylor (Dean of Warwick Business School), Neil Collins (Financial Times "On London" columnist), Charlotte Black (Corporate Affairs Director, Brewin Dolphin), Jeanine Long (Business Program Director, Thomson Reuters), Nicola Green (Human Resources Director, AXA Insurance), Professor Moira Clarke (Henley Business School), Marcus Downing (Hay Group).
View the debate highlights at or attend at The Gherkin, City of London for breakfast. Attendees must register.
The Broadcast PR Business, based at The Gherkin, London, EC3, is a leading broadcast communications consultancy specialising in finance, healthcare and education.
For more information please contact:
The Broadcast PR Business - Matthew Locke or Heather Fearfield +44-20-7469-4036 *0800 - 1000 hours CET
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