Atmospheric Water Generation of Heaven Springs Dynasty Harvest Shined Again at Green Industrial Policy Trilogy Presentation
HONG KONG, March 4, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- On Feb 22, Green Industrial Policy Trilogy Presentation was held by the UN Environment and Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE) of the UN in Geneva, Switzerland. Dato' Sri Prof. Ng, Tat-yung, Founder of Heaven Springs Dynasty Harvest Group (HSDHG) and Steering Committee Member of UN Science-Policy-Business Forum on Environment was invited to attend the event together with Government representatives, the UN's officials and experts to discuss the future plan on industrial transformation and greener development.
The UN's 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development consists of 17 Goals and the issue of water resources is the key to achieve all SDGs. At the 3rd UN Environment Assembly held in Dec 2017, HSDHG, as an official partner and Steering Committee Member of the UN Science-Policy-Business Forum on Environment, presented its world's pioneer technology on Atmospheric Water Generation. It has become the most popular and focused project on sustainable innovation and was acknowledged by President of the UN General Assembly, the President of the UN Environment Assembly as well as politicians and scientists of various countries.
Claudia Assmann, Programme Officer of Economy and Fiscal Policy Unit of the UNEP hosted the meeting. Steven Stone, Chief of Resources and Markets Branch of the UNEP chaired the meeting and delivered an opening speech. The trilogy reports were distributed to provide data, theoretical information and specific advice to policymakers to help countries to pilot projects and to achieve transformation.
At the meeting, Frank Van Rompaey, Head of the UNIDO Office of Geneva; Tilman Altenbury of German Development Institution; Jorge E. Vinuales, Professor of Cambridge University and Editor of the "Green Industrial Policy and Trade: A Toolbox"; H.E. Alvaro Cedeno, Permanent Representative of Costa Rica to the World Trade Organization, respectively addressed on stage.
Dr. Johnny Ip, Vice President of HSDHG has introduced the integration of atmospheric water generation projects for sustainable development on water resources and green industries. The Atmospheric Water Generation Technology invented by Dato' Sri Prof. Ng, Tat-yung has been adopted to more than 80 international patents within PCT System of 152 Contracting States in WIPO. It converts air into safe drinking water efficiently with no water consumption, no pollution, no additive and its water quality meets WHO's guideline for drinking water and other international standards. Series of Heaven Springs Atmospheric Water Generator can produce 30 litres to 5 tons of water daily. A typical water generation plant that produces 100 tons of water daily would provide drinking water for tens of thousands of people. Its process does not produce waste water meanwhile purifies the air. This "black technology" could ease the water scarcity and pollution problems. It can be used in military, agricultural, industrial and domestic areas.
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Dato' Sri Prof. Ng, Tat-yung travels a lot all over the world and has lived in South Korea for 10 years, United States for 7 years and Australia for 5 years. He is dedicated to international charity and public diplomacy. He has received more than 120 honor titles and awards granted by the US Congress, California State Senate, and various cities of the US since 2013 and has been invited to National Day Reception of PRC for continuously 8 years. Dato' Sri Prof. Ng, Tat-yung is a Visiting Professor & Honorary Fellow at The Canadian Chartered Institute of Business Administration and Honorary President of Board of Directors at Asian College of Knowledge; Executive Vice-President at West China Economic and Trade Research Institute of The Association for Promotion of West China Research and Development, Committee member of the UN Science-Policy-Business Forum on Environment; Founders of World Trade United Foundation and Member of the US President Club.
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