AMU Round Table 'EU Integration' With More Than 100 Experts
KYIV, Ukraine, July 8, 2015 /PRNewswire/ --
- Agency for the Modernisation of Ukraine discusses the relationship between Ukraine and the European Union
For two days the Agency for the Modernisation of Ukraine (AMU) discussed possible perspectives in the relationship between the EU and the Ukraine with a large number of Ukrainian experts. Headed by the previous Vice-President of the European Commission and EU Commissioner for Enterprise and Industry as well as for Enlargement, Günter Verheugen, the various viewpoints and opinions concerning the topic of "EU Integration" were intensively discussed and negotiated.
"We are here to listen, to learn more and to understand," said AMU President Michael Spindelegger explaining the fundamental concern of the AMU at the opening of the 2-day round table, whose invitation was followed by over 50 academics, NGO representatives, politicians and experts. These round tables serve as one of several instruments to enter into a dialogue with Ukrainian civil society and thus also make an important contribution to creating the "Ukraine Modernisation Programme." The latter is to be presented to the public in September, both in Ukraine and in western Europe, by the AMU, which was established on the initiative of the Ukrainian social partnership - the Federation of Employers of Ukraine (FEU) and the Federation of Trade Unions of Ukraine (FPU).
Günter Verheugen opened the round table with a reference to the selected venue for the event, the present "House of Teachers", in which an independent Ukraine was proclaimed for the first time in 1917: "The democratic Ukraine was born here and we have chosen this venue in order to demonstrate our respect for Ukraine."
Verheugen was confronted with numerous requests to speak expressing disappointment about the currently so hesitant EU attitude toward Ukraine. For Verheugen these opinions were easy to appreciate and he expressed his own view: "At the moment enlargement politics is not at all on the EU agenda," he ascertained in order to also formulate a demand: "I'm convinced there must be a membership perspective for Ukraine."
Taking another swipe, Verheugen took a comprehensive look at the enlargement efforts of the EU and highlighted his appreciation of the relationship between Ukraine and the EU as pointing the way for the development of the European Union: "Integration of Ukraine and Turkey is a litmus test for the EU and its willingness to become a global player." The present borders of the European Union were based, according to Verheugen, on the old power blocs of the 19th century and are outdated: "These old borders are not according to our new values. Therefore we need a new approach to overcome this old way of thinking."
In his closing words, Verheugen established the fact that the many opinions expressed, which were so informative for him, would be incorporated in his recommendations. AMU President Michael Spindelegger closed his talk with a reference to the fundamental concern of the Agency for the Modernisation of Ukraine: "We want to support Ukraine on the way of getting both feet standing firmly on the ground and we want to support Ukraine to get back on an equal footing with Europe."
Photos can be downloaded at the AMU Website:
Press contact:
Bernhard Schragl
PR Manager, Spokesperson
The Agency for the Modernisation of Ukraine
Renngasse 6-8, Top 504 /A-1010 Vienna
Phone +43-1-535-07-65-204
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