Aegate Announces New Chief Pharmaceutical Sales Officer
CAMBRIDGE, England, May 6, 2015 /PRNewswire/ --
Aegate, the leader in medicine verification and authentication services, is pleased to announce that Mark Kroes has joined Aegate as Chief Pharmaceutical Sales Officer. Mark will lead the sales of all value added commercial services to individual pharmaceutical companies. Mark comes to Aegate from Cegedim where he was the Global VP of the Customer Information Unit. He has extensive experience in the sector and joined Cegedim when they acquired his former company, Dendrite. Prior to Cegedim Mark had developed his own venture in Pharmaceutical services which he later sold to Dendrite. He also brings further experience from working with both Sandoz and Eli Lilly.
Mark Kroes stated: "I am very excited to join an innovative company with great prospects of improving patient safety and helping the evolution of medicine adherence to therapy".
Mark De Simone, Aegate CEO, commented: "With Mark we are strengthening our leadership team and our ability to create services of increasingly higher value for our existing customer base".
About Aegate
With a documented history of some 3 billion medicines scanned to date with an average rate of 200,000 transactions per hour across 17,000 dispensing points, Aegate is the principal active market leader in medicines verification. Aegate's Reach, Assure and Protect services meet the needs of all stakeholders. Supported internationally by manufacturers and pharmacists alike, Aegate is a European company with offices throughout Europe. Our mission is to protect patients from falsified, recalled or expired medicines. We operate a highly secure real‐time system to verify the authenticity of medicines. This operates seamlessly from manufacturer to pharmacy, and fully meets the requirements of the European legislation for falsified medicines. The Aegate network also supports messaging services that provide additional information for the pharmacist at the point of dispense, such as regulatory or drug safety advice and patient education or adherence information. For more information on Aegate, please visit
Media contact information: Miriam Foster
Head of Marketing & Communications
T: +44(0)1763-268160
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