WASHINGTON, Feb. 12, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- +Peace, a collective action campaign platform of peacebuilding organizations, welcomes the introduction of the Global Peacebuilding Act of 2020 by Representative Ilhan Omar (MN-5) in the United States Congress. The Global Peacebuilding Act of 2020 takes an important step in ensuring American foreign policy is focused on getting ahead of the greatest global security challenges of our time — climate change; protracted violent conflicts; and rising levels of violence, hate, and polarization. This visionary legislation authorizes $5bn from the Department of Defense Overseas Contingency Operations to be used to kickstart U.S. contributions to a new public-private multilateral fund, the Global Peacebuilding Fund.
"Cooperation is our only path to a secure global future," says Madeline Rose, Director of +Peace. "The Global Peacebuilding Act rejects the notion that the United States can deter or coerce its way to a secure global future. Nations will not be able to shut down their borders to climate change. They will not be able to lock out innocent civilians running away from conflict, corruption and war."
The Global Peacebuilding Act would kickstart critical resourcing for a newly envisioned multilateral peacebuilding fund, a "Global Peacebuilding Fund." The Fund envisioned by Rep. Ilhan Omar (MN-5) borrows best practices from the Global Fund for HIV/AIDs, which is an innovative multilateral fund heralded by Bill Gates as one of the best investments world leaders can make. By increasing resources in frontline peacebuilding efforts, the Global Peacebuilding Act affirms an important truth — that we have the tools, resources, and knowledge we need to get ahead of the greatest global challenges we face.
"Today, more than 70 million people are on the run worldwide — fleeing their homes because of violent conflict, persecution, and natural disasters. The major global challenges facing humanity today cannot be solved by the military alone," says Rose. "The Global Peacebuilding Act of 2020 is exactly the type of visionary policy the world needs today to not just contain global crises but to actually get ahead of them."
Every day, peacebuilders are on the frontlines of peace work worldwide. Right now, peacebuilding organizations are helping the world get ahead of climate change by leveraging data and conflict analytics to prevent resource-related conflicts. In the face of chronic conflicts, peacebuilding organizations continue to negotiate multi-stakeholder peace agreements. And through dialogue and mediation, peacebuilders continue to save lives and stave off costly conflicts.
+Peace is a collective action campaign platform of peacebuilding organizations mobilizing people, governments, and the private sector to tackle global violence and division. We run campaigns that build peacebuilders' collective power; make the case for peace to the public and global policymakers; and transform culture, policy, and politics in support of peacebuilding. To learn more, visit: www.peacebuilding.live
Media contact:
Zander Willoughby
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